Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where Can I Find Scrooge McDuck?

I just need to know who's bright idear it was to have taxes due in December? Obviously not someone with children...or any family for that matter. It must have been a millionaire...or billionaire. Scrooge McDuck, maybe? As I sit here and ponder these thoughts I wonder why Scrooge couldn't have made them due in June or July maybe? Was he too busy jumping off the diving board of his 3 story high piggy bank, swimming through his money to think about us little people? Must be, that's the only good answer I can come up with. And where do I contact this Scrooge to give him a piece of my mind? Explain to me why we have to pay them anyway? I can sort of understand the house taxes, but the car? Let me get this straight...we are paying for the house (which includes the driveway) and we are paying for the car (which sits in the driveway) so why are we paying for our car to sit in the driveway? Doesn't that mean we are paying like 3 times for the same thing? Hey, I've never claimed to be a genius.

On another note-Why do we have to have the time change? Why can't we stick to just one? Screw all this spring forward/fall backwards crap! The person who made THIS rule did not have children, for that, I am absolutely positive. Do you know how much of a pain in the behind it is to try and get the little ones accustomed to a new schedule? By the time you get them used to one, why, it's time to change the clocks again! Who has the authority to make this rule? When I find out who, Ryder is going to go live with them. That way he can wake their happy a$$es up at 4:30 in the morning.

I'll bet that Scrooge McDuck is related to the person who makes the time change rule...I'd bet my life on it.

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