First let me recap the past few days. 3 days ago I decided out of the blue to test Sawyer. I put her down for bed to see how long she would cry for her beloved burp cloth aka burpee. As I closed the door I heard her cry, "bee-bee Mom, bee bee." I was fully prepared to run in there and save the day and give her one, but her cries only lasted about a minute. So, I went to bed-but first I set out a burpee in my room to grab when I heard her middle-of-the-night cries for it. They, my friends, did not come. It was then that I realized I wanted her to have this fixation. She holds onto her cloth, intertwines her fingers within it just so, then puts her right thumb in her mouth. To me, it is the cutest thing; it may not be in 5 years, but right now it just really is. I don't know if it's proof that she still "needs" something which means she still "needs" me. I didn't know it would hurt this much. Moving on with my story, the next morning I heard her cries letting me know she was awake. "MOM, I unt out!" over and over...I proceeded to go into her room to get her dressed. When I took her out of her crib she cried, "bee-bee!" over and over...she threw herself a nice sized fit and I waited it out thinking her behavior wouldn't get any better and eventually I would give in and give her the darn thing. I was counting on that. Surprisingly, for the next two days she didn't mention it. Today, however was a different story. Today was a set back. She, er, I, fell off the wagon. I was in the living room folding laundry, I had 3 basketful's sitting around me and I was elbow deep into my folding when I came across one of my, er, her, safety nets, security blankets, lovies...burpees. I hesitated; should I bury it quickly so she doesn't have time to see it? Should I act as if nothing has happened and just go about folding and see if she notices? I sat there pondering my decision, knowing that it could directly affect the next several months or years of our lives. On one hand, it would be great to not have to make sure we have burpee's every time we leave the house, but on the other hand, it's so sweet, it makes her, well...babyish. Not that I want another baby - Hell no. It's not even that I want her to stay little. I don't know what it is, that's the problem. I never envisioned myself being one of those types to coddle the "baby" of the family. So, to end, I'm ashamed to admit my behavior, but I'll tell it all the same. I laid it carefully on top of a basket, called her over and asked her for a kiss. She runs over, kisses me, looks down, sees "it", hesitates, exclaims "BEE-BEE" like she'd found a long lost friend, picks it up, laces her fingers within it and pops that thumb in her mouth. Ahhh...relief, more for me than her, I'm sure, but relief all the same. I may regret this decision a couple years, but for now, I'm going to let her take all the time she needs (I need) and when we're both ready, we'll go about the journey and recovery together.

I love this! You are such a good, loving Mommy! I'm so glad that people do actually come to the realization that they too are the ones that have the issues with giving up the baby's securities. keep on loving like you do and remember these moments forever! Dena
Oh, my gosh Dena! I'm just coming across this comment, it says it's from May!? Whoops! Anyway, thank you so much...and she still has the burpie! =P
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